I make my own whip.

Today is the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica.  The Lateran is one of the oldest churches still in use, and the cathedral of the Bishop of Rome, the Pope.  Which means that the Lateran (and not St. Peter’s) is the Pope’s home church. 

Today’s Gospel (John) is the Cleansing of the Temple.  After making a whip out of cords, Jesus drives the money changers out of the Temple, overturning their tables and pouring their money out on the ground.  For a feast about dedicating a building, it seems like an odd choice. 

The Lateran is the Pope's cathedral, symbolically the place that our faith flows from.  So what does an act of violence by Jesus have to do with the mother church for Rome and for the world? 

Given what Jesus actually says when He’s driving them out, what He does makes perfect sense.  It tells us exactly the sort of church that’s supposed to be at the heart of our faith.  And exactly the sort of Church we’re supposed to be.  **  Readings for the Lateran Basilica

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Walk-in shoe closet

Sunday’s Gospel (Mark) opens with Jesus condemning the scribes, the religious leaders of His day.  And for good reason. 

The scribes are taking donations from everybody, including people who can’t afford to give.  With the understanding that the money will be used to provide for the poor and needy.  Only they’re spending it on themselves. 

It’s like giving your half of the rent to your roommate.  With the understanding that she’s going to pay the rent for both of you.  You always wondered how she paid for her amazing walk-in shoe closet. 

Turns out, that’s where your rent money went.  And now you’re getting thrown out of your place.  Since nobody paid the rent.  

No wonder Jesus is livid. 

More on this tomorrow.

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Feel guilty?

It shows up in October/November, and different churches call it different things.  Time, talent, and treasure.  Stewardship Sunday.  The money sermon. 

This Sunday’s readings seem like they were made for it.  And whatever we call it, often it doesn’t sound like preaching.  More like a guilt-ridden video for an animal shelter complete with emotional music and sad puppy pictures. 

Just like the animal shelter stuff, many of us tune it out the moment we realize we’re hearing one of “those homilies.”  Or (if we know it’s coming) maybe even skip Mass entirely.  It can be that off-putting. 

Which would be missing the point.  Because while Sunday's readings are about money, they have (literally) nothing to do with fundraising. 

More on this tomorrow.

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